Konu: Görüntü İşleme dersinde yapılan örnekler, verilen ödevler ve uygulama örnekleri...
Ödev1: Python için IDE yazılımlarından kullanacağınız yazılımın kurulumunu yapınız.
Cevap: Anaconda(Jupyter Notebook), Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, Wingware, Sublime Text
Ödev2: Telefonlarda kullanılan 5 adet görüntü işleme programı yazınız.
Cevap: Prisma(Instagram), Snapseed(Google), PhotoGrid, PicsArt, FotoRus
Ödev3: Python'da rasgele bir dizi üretip, dizide geçen elemanların sayısını (frekans) ekrana yazdırın.
Ödev4: Görüntü işleme için kullanılan kütüphaneler (numpy,matplotlib gibi) yardımıyla bilgisayarda bulunan bir resim dosyasını açıp, resim daire olacak şekilde kırpılacak ve dairenin dışında kalan alan beyaz olacaktır. En son bu görüntüyü ekrana bastırın.
1- 25 adet resim üretilecek ve ekranda görüntülecek.
2- Görüntülenen resimler siyah-beyaz'a dönüştürülecek.
3- reshape fonksiyonu ile resim boyutu vektöre dönüştürülecek. Matris 100x100 ise 1x10000 olacak.
4- center fonksiyonu ile a b c d e değerlerini kıyaslayıp harf grupları belirlenecek.
5- Test. Bir resim dosyası harf grupları ile kıyaslanacak ve hangi harf olduğunu söylenecek.
Cevap: Kodlar için tıklayın.
1- Bir adet nesnelerden oluşan resim üretilecek ve ekranda görüntülecek.
2- Görüntülenen resim siyah-beyaz'a dönüştürülecek.
3- Resim içerisinde kaç adet nesne bulunduğu ekrana yazdırılacak.
Cevap: Kodlar için tıklayın.
1- imread ile resim okunacak.
2- Resim dosyası sırasıyla jpg -> graylevel -> BlackWhite dönüştürülecek.
3- Spacity - Matrix oluşturacak Vect class'ı oluşturulacak. (Type: Dictionary)
Cevap: Kodlar için tıklayın.
1- imread ile resim okunacak.
2- Resim dosyası BlackWhite'a dönüştürülecek.
3- Mask yardımı ile Dilation(Genişletme) işlemi yapılacak.
Cevap: Kodlar için tıklayın.
Bu örnekte kulandığımız veri setine ulaşmak için tıklayınız.
Cevap: Anaconda(Jupyter Notebook), Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, Wingware, Sublime Text
Ödev2: Telefonlarda kullanılan 5 adet görüntü işleme programı yazınız.
Cevap: Prisma(Instagram), Snapseed(Google), PhotoGrid, PicsArt, FotoRus
Ödev3: Python'da rasgele bir dizi üretip, dizide geçen elemanların sayısını (frekans) ekrana yazdırın.
#!/usr/bin/python import random sayac = 0 dizi = [] sayi = int(input("Kaç elemanlı bir dizi üretilsin?\n>>> ")) while(sayac < sayi): a = random.randint(0,100) dizi.append(a) sayac += 1 dizi.sort() print(dizi) print("Eleman : Adet") adet = 0 for i in range(sayi): adet = 1 for j in range(i, sayi-1): if(dizi[i] == dizi[j+1] and (dizi[i] != -1 or dizi[j+1] != -1)): adet += 1 dizi[j+1] = -1 if(dizi[i] != -1): print(dizi[i], "\t:", adet, "adet")
Ödev4: Görüntü işleme için kullanılan kütüphaneler (numpy,matplotlib gibi) yardımıyla bilgisayarda bulunan bir resim dosyasını açıp, resim daire olacak şekilde kırpılacak ve dairenin dışında kalan alan beyaz olacaktır. En son bu görüntüyü ekrana bastırın.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches import matplotlib.cbook as cbook with cbook.get_sample_data('C:\\Users\eraya\Desktop\p.jpg') as image_file: image = plt.imread(image_file) fig, ax = plt.subplots() im = ax.imshow(image) patch = patches.Circle((256, 256), radius=200, transform=ax.transData) im.set_clip_path(patch) ax.axis('on') plt.show()
1- 25 adet resim üretilecek ve ekranda görüntülecek.
2- Görüntülenen resimler siyah-beyaz'a dönüştürülecek.
3- reshape fonksiyonu ile resim boyutu vektöre dönüştürülecek. Matris 100x100 ise 1x10000 olacak.
4- center fonksiyonu ile a b c d e değerlerini kıyaslayıp harf grupları belirlenecek.
5- Test. Bir resim dosyası harf grupları ile kıyaslanacak ve hangi harf olduğunu söylenecek.
Cevap: Kodlar için tıklayın.
1- Bir adet nesnelerden oluşan resim üretilecek ve ekranda görüntülecek.
2- Görüntülenen resim siyah-beyaz'a dönüştürülecek.
3- Resim içerisinde kaç adet nesne bulunduğu ekrana yazdırılacak.
Cevap: Kodlar için tıklayın.
1- imread ile resim okunacak.
2- Resim dosyası sırasıyla jpg -> graylevel -> BlackWhite dönüştürülecek.
3- Spacity - Matrix oluşturacak Vect class'ı oluşturulacak. (Type: Dictionary)
Cevap: Kodlar için tıklayın.
1- imread ile resim okunacak.
2- Resim dosyası BlackWhite'a dönüştürülecek.
3- Mask yardımı ile Dilation(Genişletme) işlemi yapılacak.
Cevap: Kodlar için tıklayın.
HAFTA - 1 (28 Eylül 2017 Perşembe)
import math def findDistance(p0,p1): return math.sqrt(((p0[0]-p1[0])**2)+((p0[1]-p1[1])**2)) d = findDistance([3,0],[0,4]) d #5.0 from scipy import ndimage from scipy import misc f = misc.face() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(f) plt.show()
f.ndim #3 f.shape #(768, 1024, 3) type (f) #numpy.ndarray f[:,:,1] = 0 plt.imshow(f) plt.show() type (f.shape) #tuple
im_size = f.shape im_size[0] #768 center = [im_size[0]/2, im_size[1]/2] center #[384.0, 512.0] from scipy import ndimage from scipy import misc f = misc.face() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt for i in range(im_size[0]): for j in range(im_size[1]): if (findDistance([i,j], center)>350): f[i,j,:] = 0, 0, 0 plt.imshow(f) plt.show()
HAFTA - 2 (5 Ekim 2017 Perşembe)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg import numpy as np img=mpimg.imread(r'c:\stinkbug.png') img.ndim #3 img.shape #(375,500,3) plt.imshow(img) plt.show()
img[:,100,:].max() #0.627451 img_1=img[1:375:2,:,:] #1:375:2 -> x bileşeni için 1'den 375'e kadar ikişer artarak git. img_1=img[:,1:500:2,:] #1:500:2 -> y bileşeni için 1'den 500'e kadar ikişer artarak git. #plt.subplot(1,2,1), plt.imshow(img) #plt.subplot(1,2,2), plt.imshow(img_1) plt.imshow(img_1) plt.show()
img.ndim, img.shape #(3, (375, 500, 3)) img_20=np.zeros((500,375,3)) img_20.shape #(500, 375, 3) #img ile img_20 birbirinin transpozu değerler olmalıdır. for i in range(375): for j in range(500): img_20[j,i,:]=img[i,j,:] #x ve y'ye göre transpoz işlemidir. #print(img[i,j,:]) #Bu döngü resimdeki bütün RGB değerlerini verir. img_30=np.zeros((500,375,3)) img_30.shape for i in range(375): for j in range(500): img_30[j,i,:]=1-img[i,j,:] #Resmin negatifini alır. img_40=np.zeros((375,500,3)) img_40.shape for i in range(375): for j in range(500): img_40[375-i-1,50-j-1,:]=img[i,j,:] #Resmin x ve y'ye göre simetriği yani orjine göre ayna görüntüsünü alır. plt.subplot(1,4,1),plt.imshow(img) plt.subplot(1,4,2),plt.imshow(img) plt.subplot(1,4,3),plt.imshow(img) plt.subplot(1,4,4),plt.imshow(img)
def createList(size): myList=[] for i in range(size): myList.append(i) return myList def listIncrement(l,n): myL=[] for i in range(len(l)): myL.append(l[i]+n) #l[i]=l[i]+n return l L_1=createList(5) L_1 L_2=listIncrement(L_1,5) L_2 #[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] #%timeit -> Fonksiyonun çalışma zamanı #createList(1000) #1000 adet eleman oluşturmayı 236 milisaniyede yapıyor. %timeit myL_1=listIncrement(createList(1000),50) #1000 loops, best of 3: 236 µs per loop #1000 adet eleman oluşturmayı 2.95 milisaniyede yapıyor. %timeit np.arange(1000)+1 #The slowest run took 10.45 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached. 100000 loops, best of 3: 2.95 µs per loop import numpy as np size=10 my_10=np.arange(size) my_10 #array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) my_10+1 #array([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
HAFTA - 3 (12 Ekim 2017 Perşembe)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot([1,4,9,16]) plt.xlabel('any numbers') plt.ylabel('some numbers') plt.show()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np img_1=plt.imread("test.jpg") img_1.ndim, img_1.shape #(3, (768, 1024, 3)) plt.imshow(img_1[:,:,2] + 10) plt.show()
#pixel_1_rgb=[0,0,0] #pixel_1_gray_level=0 #pixel_1_rgb=[10,0,0] #pixel_1_gray_level=10 #pixel_1_rgb=[0,10,0] #pixel_1_gray_level=10 #pixel_1_rgb=[10,10,10] #pixel_1_gray_level=12 def convertRGBPixelToGrayLevel(RGB_Pixel): return RGB_Pixel[0]/3 + RGB_Pixel[1]/3 + RGB_Pixel[2]/3 convertRGBPixelToGrayLevel([2,5,7]) #4.666666666666667 img_2=np.zeros((img_1.shape[0],img_1.shape[1])) img_2.shape #(768, 1024) for i in range(img_1.shape[0]): for j in range(img_1.shape[1]): img_2[i,j]=convertRGBPixelToGrayLevel(img_1[i,j,:]) plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.imshow(img_1) plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.imshow(img_2, cmap='gray') plt.show()
from scipy.misc import imsave imsave('test_2.jpg',img_2) #Bulunduğumuz klasöre test_2.jpg adlı bir resim dosyası oluşturuldu.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.misc import imsave def convertRGB_To_GrayLevel(image_1): img_1=plt.imread(image_1) img_2=np.zeros((img_1.shape[0],img_1.shape[1])) for i in range(img_1.shape[0]): for j in range(img_1.shape[1]): img_2[i,j]=img_1[i,j,0]/3 + img_1[i,j,1]/3 + img_1[i,j,2]/3 imsave(str(image_1)+".jpg",img_2) plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.imshow(img_1) plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.imshow(img_2, cmap='gray') plt.show() convertRGB_To_GrayLevel('test.jpg')
img_1=plt.imread('var.jpg') img_2=plt.imread('yok.jpg') plt.imshow(img_2-img_1) plt.show()
HAFTA - 4 (19 Ekim 2017 Perşembe)
from scipy import misc f = misc.face(gray=True) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(f, cmap=plt.cm.gray) plt.show()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #pwd #ls *.jpg img_1=plt.imread("C:\\Users\\eraya\\Desktop\\JupyterExample\\test.jpg") img_1.ndim img_1.shape img_2=img_1[1:768:2,1:1024:2] img_2.ndim img_2.shape plt.imshow(img_2) plt.show()
img_3=np.zeros((img_2.shape[0:2])) img_3.shape #(384, 512) img_4=np.zeros((img_2.shape[0:2])) img_4.shape #(384, 512) for i in range(img_2.shape[0]): #384 for j in range(img_2.shape[1]): #512 n=img_2[i,j,0]/3+img_2[i,j,1]/3+img_2[i,j,2]/3 img_3[i,j]=n if n>100: img_4[i,j]=255 else: img_4[i,j]=0 img_3.shape #plt.imshow(img_3,plt.cm.gray) plt.imshow(img_4,plt.cm.gray) plt.show()
threshold=80 for i in range(img_2.shape[0]): #384 for j in range(img_2.shape[1]): #512 n=img_2[i,j,0]/3+img_2[i,j,1]/3+img_2[i,j,2]/3 img_3[i,j]=n if n>threshold: img_4[i,j]=255 else: img_4[i,j]=0 plt.subplot(1,3,1), plt.imshow(img_2) plt.subplot(1,3,2), plt.imshow(img_3,plt.cm.gray) plt.subplot(1,3,3), plt.imshow(img_4,plt.cm.binary) plt.imshow(img_4,plt.cm.gray)#Derste gray->binary yapıldı ama tahtadaki ekran görüntüsü aynı. plt.show()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #pwd #ls *.jpg img_1=plt.imread("C:\\Users\\eraya\\Desktop\\JupyterExample\\ekrangoruntusu.png") img_1.ndim img_1.shape #(374, 994, 4) #img_2=img_1[1:768:2,1:1024:2] img_2=img_1 img_4=np.zeros((img_2.shape)) img_5=img_1 img_5=np.zeros((img_2.shape[0:2])) img_5.shape #(374, 994)
threshold=0 for i in range(img_2.shape[0]): #384 for j in range(img_2.shape[1]): #512 n=img_2[i,j,0]/3+img_2[i,j,1]/3+img_2[i,j,2]/3 if n>threshold: img_5[i,j]=255 else: img_5[i,j]=0 plt.subplot(1,2,1), plt.imshow(img_2) plt.subplot(1,2,2), plt.imshow(img_5,plt.cm.binary) #plt.imshow(img_5,plt.cm.binary)#Derste gray->binary yapıldı ama tahtadaki ekran görüntüsü aynı. plt.show()
img_2.ndim, img_2.shape, img_2.mean() #(3, (374, 994, 4), 0.94397408)
img_1 = plt.imread('C:\\Users\\eraya\\Desktop\\JupyterExample\\adsiz.jpg') img_1.ndim,img_1.shape img_5=np.zeros((img_1.shape[0:2])) img_2=img_1 img_2.shape,img_5.shape threshold=0 for i in range(img_2.shape[0]): #384 for j in range(img_2.shape[1]): #512 n=img_2[i,j,0]/3+img_2[i,j,1]/3+img_2[i,j,2]/3 if n>threshold: img_5[i,j]=255 else: img_5[i,j]=0 plt.subplot(1,2,1), plt.imshow(img_2) plt.subplot(1,2,2), plt.imshow(img_5,plt.cm.binary) #plt.imshow(img_5,plt.cm.binary)#Derste gray->binary yapıldı ama tahtadaki ekran görüntüsü aynı. plt.show()
HAFTA - 5 (26 Ekim 2017 Perşembe)
myPoint_1 = [0,0] myPoint_2 = [1,0] myPoint_3 = [0,1] myPoint_4 = [1,1] import math def uzaklik(): value=(myPoint_1[0]-myPoint_2[0])**2 + (myPoint_1[1]-myPoint_2[1])**2 return value d_1_2 = math.sqrt(uzaklik()) d_1_2 #1.0
#İki vektör arasındaki uzaklığı bulan fonksiyon. import math def myDistance(a,b): myPoint_1=a myPoint_2=b a=(myPoint_1[0]-myPoint_2[0])**2 b=(myPoint_1[1]-myPoint_2[1])**2 return math.sqrt(a+b) myPoint_1 = [0,0] myPoint_2 = [1,0] myPoint_3 = [0,1] myPoint_4 = [1,1] myDistance(myPoint_2,myPoint_3) #1.4142135623730951
#İki noktanın orta noktası bulundu. a=myPoint_1[0]+myPoint_2[0]+myPoint_3[0]+myPoint_4[0] b=myPoint_1[1]+myPoint_2[1]+myPoint_3[1]+myPoint_4[1] centerPoint=[a/4,b/4] centerPoint #[0.5, 0.5]
def findCenter(List_Of_Points): a=0 b=0 for point in List_Of_Points: a=a+point[0] b=b+point[1] l=len(List_Of_Points) return [a/l,b/l] myPoint_1 = [0,0] myPoint_2 = [1,0] myPoint_3 = [0,1] myPoint_4 = [1,1] my_Point_List=[] my_Point_List.append(myPoint_1) my_Point_List.append(myPoint_2) my_Point_List.append(myPoint_3) my_Point_List.append(myPoint_4) len(my_Point_List) #4 center=findCenter(my_Point_List) center #[0.5, 0.5]
import numpy as np my_Array=np.array([[1,2,3],[2,6,9]],np.int32) my_Array.ndim, my_Array.shape my_Array_1=my_Array.reshape(1,6) print(my_Array) print("") print(my_Array_1) #[[1 2 3] # [2 6 9]] # #[[1 2 3 2 6 9]]
HAFTA - 6 (2 Kasım 2017 Perşembe)
# T harfi için # 0: Black # 1: White # of edge: 8 # of corner: 8 # External 1 0 veya 0 1 veya 0 0 veya 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 # Internal 0 1 veya 1 0 veya 1 1 veya 1 1 # 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
internal_mask_1=[[1,0],[0,0]] internal_mask_2=[[0,1],[0,0]] internal_mask_3=[[0,0],[1,0]] internal_mask_4=[[0,0],[0,1]] external_mask_1=[[0,1],[1,1]] external_mask_2=[[1,0],[1,1]] external_mask_3=[[1,1],[0,1]] external_mask_4=[[1,1],[1,0]] internal_mask_list=[internal_mask_1,internal_mask_2,internal_mask_3,internal_mask_4] external_mask_list=[external_mask_1,external_mask_2,external_mask_3,external_mask_4]
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt size=3 #-------------------Random Image------------------- img_1=np.random.randint(0,2,(size,size)) #img_1 -> fake image, you should read from a file plt.subplot(1,2,1), plt.imshow(img_1,cmap='Greys',interpolation='nearest') #---------------------My Image--------------------- img=plt.imread("C:\\Users\\eraya\\Desktop\\JupyterExample\\t-harfi.jpg") plt.subplot(1,2,2), plt.imshow(img,cmap='Greys',interpolation='nearest') plt.show()
def count_mask(image,mask): # input: # image m*n black-white image # mask 2*2 mask # counter=0 m,n=image.shape for i in range(m-1): for j in range(n-1): a=b=c=d=False if(image[i,j] == mask[0][0]): a=True if(image[i,j+1] == mask[0][1]): b=True if(image[i+1,j] == mask[1][0]): c=True if(image[i+1,j+1] == mask[1][1]): d=True if(a and b and c and d): counter=counter+1 return counter
def count_internal_mask(image): counter_internal=0 for mask in internal_mask_list: counter_internal=counter_internal+count_mask(img_1,mask) return counter_internal def count_external_mask(image): counter_external=0 for mask in external_mask_list: counter_external=counter_external+count_mask(img_1,mask) return counter_external
c_1=count_internal_mask(img_1) # Köşe sayısı c_2=count_external_mask(img_1) # Köşe içinde kalan alan c_1, c_2 #(0,1)
# T harfini içeren resim için çıktı. import math abs(c_1-c_2)/4 #0.25
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import math from scipy.misc import imsave %matplotlib inline def convert_RGB_to_gray_level(image_1): img_1=plt.imread(image_1) img_2=np.zeros((img_1.shape[0],img_1.shape[1])) for i in range(img_2.shape[0]): for j in range(img_2.shape[1]): img_2[i,j]=img_1[i,j,0]/3+img_1[i,j,1]/3+img_1[i,j,2]/3 # print(img_1.shape) return img_2 def convert_RGB_to_monochrome_BW(image_1,threshold=100): img_1=plt.imread(image_1) img_2=np.zeros((img_1.shape[0],img_1.shape[1])) for i in range(img_2.shape[0]): for j in range(img_2.shape[1]): if (img_1[i,j,0]/3+img_1[i,j,1]/3+img_1[i,j,2]/3)>threshold: # img_2[i,j]=img_1[i,j,0]/3+img_1[i,j,1]/3+img_1[i,j,2]/3 img_2[i,j]=1 else: img_2[i,j]=0 # print(img_1.shape) return img_2 def create_mask_internal(): i_m_1=np.array([[1,0],[0,0]]) i_m_2=np.array([[0,1],[0,0]]) i_m_3=np.array([[0,0],[1,0]]) i_m_4=np.array([[0,0],[0,1]]) i_m_l=[i_m_1,i_m_2,i_m_3,i_m_4] return i_m_l def create_mask_external(): e_m_1=np.array([[0,1],[1,1]]) e_m_2=np.array([[1,0],[1,1]]) e_m_3=np.array([[1,1],[0,1]]) e_m_4=np.array([[1,1],[1,0]]) e_m_l=[e_m_1,e_m_2,e_m_3,e_m_4] return e_m_l def count_object(image_name_with_path,threshold=150): img_file_1=image_name_with_path img_file_2=convert_RGB_to_gray_level(img_file_1) img_file_3=convert_RGB_to_monochrome_BW(img_file_1,threshold) image=img_file_3 c_1=0 c_2=0 m,n=image.shape for i in range(m-1): for j in range(n-1): for mask in create_mask_internal(): if False not in (img_file_3[i:i+2,j:j+2]==mask): #print("e mask bulundu") c_1=c_1+1 for mask in create_mask_external(): if False not in (img_file_3[i:i+2,j:j+2]==mask): #print("i mask bulundu") c_2=c_2+1 number_of_objects=math.fabs((c_2-c_1)/4) print("Resimdeki Toplam T Sayısı:", number_of_objects) return number_of_objects
image_file_1=r"C:\\Users\\eraya\\Desktop\\JupyterExample\\test_t.jpg" count_object(image_file_1) # Resimdeki Toplam T Sayısı: 6.0 # 6.0
image_file_2=r"C:\\Users\\eraya\\Desktop\\JupyterExample\\test_karisik.jpg" count_object(image_file_2) # Resimdeki Toplam Nesne Sayısı: 13.0 # 13.0
HAFTA - 7 (9 Kasım 2017 Perşembe)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt my_Numbers=np.random.randint(1,10,5) my_Numbers #array([1, 4, 2, 3, 7]) myHistogram=[] myHistogram #[] for number in my_Numbers: for histItem in myHistogram: if(number==histItem[0]): histItem[1]=histItem[1]+1 else: myHistogram.append(number,1) myHistogram #[] var_1=(1,2,3) var_2=(2,5,3) var_3=(1,5,3) var_4=(2,5,6) if var_1[2]==var_2[2]: print("1 ve 2'nin 3.değeri eşittir.") else: print("1 ve 2'nin 3.değeri eşit değildir.") if var_1==var_2: print("1 ve 2 eşittir.") else: print("1 ve 2 eşit değildir.")
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt start=0 end=2 n=5 my_Numbers=np.random.randint(start,end,n) img=plt.imread("") myHistogram={} my_Numbers #array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) for number in my_Numbers: if number in myHistogram.keys(): myHistogram[number]=myHistogram[number]+1 else: myHistogram[number]=1 my_Numbers, myHistogram, myHistogram[0]/myHistogram[1] #histogram da iki değer olmalı #(array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0]), {0: 3, 1: 2}, 1.5)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def convert_RGB_to_monochrome_BW(image_1): threshold=100 img_1=plt.imread(image_1) img_2=np.zeros((img_1.shape[0],img_1.shape[1])) for i in range(img_2.shape[0]): for j in range(img_2.shape[1]): if (img_1[i,j,0]/3+img_1[i,j,1]/3+img_1[i,j,2]/3)>threshold: # img_2[i,j]=img_1[i,j,0]/3+img_1[i,j,1]/3+img_1[i,j,2]/3 img_2[i,j]=1 else: img_2[i,j]=0 # print(img_1.shape) return img_2 img_1 = convert_RGB_to_monochrome_BW(r"test_t_one.jpg") plt.imshow(img_1, cmap="gray") plt.show()
img_1.ndim, img_1.shape #(2, (400, 400)) i2 = img_1.reshape(1,img_1.shape[0]*img_1.shape[1]) i2.ndim, i2.shape #(2, (1, 160000))
def get_Histogram(image): #resim monochrome olmalı my_Histogram = {} for i in range(image.shape[0]): for j in range(image.shape[1]): item=image[i,j] if item in my_Histogram.keys(): my_Histogram[item]=my_Histogram[item]+1 else: my_Histogram[item]=1 return my_Histogram my_Histogram = get_Histogram(img_1) my_Histogram #{0.0: 2936, 1.0: 157064} x = my_Histogram[0.0] y = my_Histogram[1.0] print("Siyah-Beyaz Oranı: ", x/y) #Siyah-Beyaz Oranı: 0.01869301685936943
class myMatrix(): def __init__(self,x,y): self.D=x self.F=y def create_D_F(img_1): d = {(i,j) for i in range(img_1.shape[0]) for j in range(img_1.shape[1]) if img_1[i,j]==1 } f = {(i,j):1 for i,j in d} m=myMatrix(d,f) return m my_sparce_Matrix_1=create_D_F(img_1) my_sparce_Matrix_1.D, my_sparce_Matrix_1.F
Sonuç: ({(266, 351), (109, 365), (381, 392), (312, 241), (185, 101), (5, 178), (171, 86), (104, 115), (157, 23), (30, 287), (284, 367), (323, 275), ...}, {(266, 351): 1, (109, 365): 1, (381, 392): 1, (312, 241): 1, (185, 101): 1, (5, 178): 1, (171, 86): 1, (104, 115): 1, (157, 23): 1, (30, 287): 1, (284, 367): 1, (323, 275): 1, ...})
HAFTA - 8 (23 Kasım 2017 Perşembe)
import csv import random import math def loadCsv(filename): lines = csv.reader(open(filename, "r")) dataset = list(lines) for i in range(len(dataset)): dataset[i] = [float(x) for x in dataset[i]] return dataset def splitDataset(dataset, splitRatio): trainSize = int(len(dataset) * splitRatio) trainSet = [] copy = list(dataset) while len(trainSet) < trainSize: index = random.randrange(len(copy)) trainSet.append(copy.pop(index)) return [trainSet, copy] def separateByClass(dataset): separated = {} for i in range(len(dataset)): vector = dataset[i] if (vector[-1] not in separated): separated[vector[-1]] = [] separated[vector[-1]].append(vector) return separated def mean(numbers): return sum(numbers)/float(len(numbers)) def stdev(numbers): avg = mean(numbers) variance = sum([pow(x-avg,2) for x in numbers])/float(len(numbers)-1) return math.sqrt(variance) def summarize(dataset): summaries = [(mean(attribute), stdev(attribute)) for attribute in zip(*dataset)] del summaries[-1] return summaries def summarizeByClass(dataset): separated = separateByClass(dataset) summaries = {} for classValue, instances in separated.items(): summaries[classValue] = summarize(instances) return summaries def calculateProbability(x, mean, stdev): exponent = math.exp(-(math.pow(x-mean,2)/(2*math.pow(stdev,2)))) return (1 / (math.sqrt(2*math.pi) * stdev)) * exponent def calculateClassProbabilities(summaries, inputVector): probabilities = {} for classValue, classSummaries in summaries.items(): probabilities[classValue] = 1 for i in range(len(classSummaries)): mean, stdev = classSummaries[i] x = inputVector[i] probabilities[classValue] *= calculateProbability(x, mean, stdev) return probabilities def predict(summaries, inputVector): probabilities = calculateClassProbabilities(summaries, inputVector) bestLabel, bestProb = None, -1 for classValue, probability in probabilities.items(): if bestLabel is None or probability > bestProb: bestProb = probability bestLabel = classValue return bestLabel def getPredictions(summaries, testSet): predictions = [] for i in range(len(testSet)): result = predict(summaries, testSet[i]) predictions.append(result) return predictions def getAccuracy(testSet, predictions): correct = 0 for i in range(len(testSet)): if testSet[i][-1] == predictions[i]: correct += 1 return (correct/float(len(testSet))) * 100.0 def main(): filename = 'pima-indians-diabetes.data.csv' splitRatio = 0.67 dataset = loadCsv(filename) trainingSet, testSet = splitDataset(dataset, splitRatio) # print('Split {0} rows into train={1} and test={2} rows').format(len(dataset), len(trainingSet), # prepare model summaries = summarizeByClass(trainingSet) # test model predictions = getPredictions(summaries, testSet) accuracy = getAccuracy(testSet, predictions) print('Accuracy: ' + str(accuracy)) main() #Accuracy: 72.83464566929135
HAFTA - 9 (30 Kasım 2017 Perşembe)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def convert_RGB_to_monochrome_BW(image_1): threshold=200 img_1=plt.imread(image_1) img_2=np.zeros((img_1.shape[0],img_1.shape[1])) for i in range(img_2.shape[0]): for j in range(img_2.shape[1]): if (img_1[i,j,0]/3+img_1[i,j,1]/3+img_1[i,j,2]/3)>threshold: img_2[i,j]=0 else: img_2[i,j]=1 return img_2 def define_mask(): mask = [[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): print(mask[i][j], end=" ") print() return mask def my_dilation(img_1, mask): m=img_1.shape[0] n=img_1.shape[1] img_2 = np.random.randint(0,1,(m,n)) for i in range(1,m-1): for j in range(1,n-1): x_1 = img_1[i,j] and mask[1][1] x_2 = img_1[i-1,j-1] and mask[0][0] x_3 = img_1[i-1,j] and mask[0][1] x_4 = img_1[i-1,j+1] and mask[0][2] x_5 = img_1[i+1,j+1] and mask[2][0] x_6 = img_1[i+1,j] and mask[2][1] x_7 = img_1[i+1,j+1] and mask[2][2] x_8 = img_1[i,j-1] and mask[1][0] x_9 = img_1[i,j+1] and mask[1][2] result_1 = x_1 or x_2 or x_3 or x_4 or x_5 result_2 = x_6 or x_7 or x_8 or x_9 result = result_1 or result_2 img_2[i,j]=result return img_2 mask = define_mask() path = r"test_t_one.jpg" image1 = convert_RGB_to_monochrome_BW(path) image2 = my_dilation(image1, define_mask()) image3 = my_dilation(image2, define_mask()) plt.imshow(image1, cmap="gray"), plt.show() plt.imshow(image2, cmap="gray"), plt.show() plt.imshow(image3, cmap="gray"), plt.show()
HAFTA - 10 (14 Aralık 2017 Perşembe)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np image = plt.imread("C:\\Users\\eraya\\Desktop\\JupyterExample\\q.jpg") image.shape #(200, 200, 3) plt.imshow(image) plt.show() for i in range(image.shape[0]): for j in range(image.shape[1]): if(i < image.shape[0]/2): image[i,j] = 0 if(j < image.shape[1]/2): image[i,j] = 0 plt.imshow(image) plt.show() from scipy.misc import imrotate derece = 90 new_image = imrotate(image, derece) plt.imshow(new_image) plt.show()
HAFTA - 11 (21 Aralık 2017 Perşembe)
#Rotate by Theta import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import math def get_image(path: str = u"C:\\Users\\eraya\\Desktop\\JupyterExample", file: str = u"a_1.png"): """ :rtype: object """ if ((path is None) or (file is None)): path = u"C:\\Users\\eraya\\Desktop\\JupyterExample" file = u"a_1.png" image_file_1 = path + u"\\" + file img_1 = plt.imread(image_file_1) plt.imshow(img_1) plt.show() return img_1 def get_rotation_matrix_for_angle(angle: float): theta = angle rotation_matrix = np.array([[math.cos(theta), -math.sin(theta)], [math.sin(theta), math.cos(theta)]], np.float) return rotation_matrix def get_new_point(old_point: list, angle: float): old_point_i, old_point_j = old_point[0], old_point[1] rotation_matrix = get_rotation_matrix_for_angle(angle) point = np.array([old_point_i, old_point_j], np.float) point = point.reshape(2, 1) new_point = np.matmul(rotation_matrix, point) x = int(new_point[0]) y = int(new_point[1]) return [x, y] def get_new_canvas_for_an_image(m: int, n: int, angle: float, dim: str = 3): old_corners = [[0, 0], [m, 0], [0, n], [m, n]] new_corners = [] for p in old_corners: p_new = get_new_point(p, angle) new_corners.append(p_new) # print(p_new) y_min = min([y for x, y in new_corners]) y_max = max([y for x, y in new_corners]) y_min, y_max x_min = min([x for x, y in new_corners]) x_max = max([x for x, y in new_corners]) x_min, x_max m = int(abs(x_max - x_min)) n = int(abs(y_max - y_min)) img_2 = np.zeros((m, n, dim)) return img_2 def get_rotated_image(image, angle: float): """ :type angle: object """ new_image_rotated = get_new_canvas_for_an_image(image.shape[0], image.shape[1], angle, image.ndim) offset_m = int((abs(new_image_rotated.shape[0] - image.shape[0]))) offset_n = int((abs(new_image_rotated.shape[1] - image.shape[1]))) rotation_matrix = get_rotation_matrix_for_angle(angle) for i in range(image.shape[0] - 15): for j in range(image.shape[1] - 15): new_point = get_new_point([i, j], angle) new_i = int(new_point[0] + offset_m) new_j = int(new_point[1] + offset_n) new_image_rotated[new_i, new_j, :] = image[i, j, :] return new_image_rotated def get_new_coordinates(img, angle): new_coors = {} for i in range(img.shape[0]): for j in range(img.shape[1]): new_coors[(i, j)] = get_new_point([i, j], angle) return new_coors def rotate_image_by_angle(image, angle): im_10 = image angle = angle result = get_new_coordinates(im_10, angle) x_min = min([result[xy][0] for xy in result]) x_max = max([result[xy][0] for xy in result]) y_min = min([result[xy][1] for xy in result]) y_max = max([result[xy][1] for xy in result]) im_11 = get_new_canvas_for_an_image(im_10.shape[0], im_10.shape[1], angle, im_10.ndim) plt.imshow(im_11) plt.show() for x in result: # x , result[x] if x_min < 0: new_i = result[x][0] + abs(x_min) else: new_i = result[x][0] + abs(x_min) if y_min < 0: new_j = result[x][1] + abs(y_min) else: new_j = result[x][1] + abs(y_min) if 0 < new_i < im_11.shape[0] and 0 < new_j < im_11.shape[1]: im_11[new_i, new_j, :] = im_10[x[0], x[1], :] plt.imshow(im_11) plt.show() a = 10 return im_11 image = rotate_image_by_angle(get_image(), math.pi/2) plt.imshow(image) plt.show()
#Rotation Class class RotateImage(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def get_an_image_from_file(self,path=u"C:\\Users\\eraya\\Desktop\\JupyterExample", file=u"a_1.png"): """ :rtype: object """ image_file_1 = path + u"\\" + file img_1 = self.plt.imread(image_file_1) # plt.imshow(img_1) # plt.show() self.image=img_1 return img_1 myRI=RotateImage() myRI.get_an_image_from_file() a=10
#Italic Letter Test import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import math def get_shear_matrix_for_factor_x(factor_x: int): shear_m=np.empty((2,2),np.float) shear_m[0,:] = np.array([1,factor_x]) shear_m[1, :] = np.array([0,1]) return shear_m def get_rotation_matrix_for_angle(angle: float): theta = angle rotation_matrix = np.array([[math.cos(theta), -math.sin(theta)], [math.sin(theta), math.cos(theta)]], np.float) return rotation_matrix def get_new_point(point: tuple, angle: float): """ :param point: a point in 2D, with coordinates x, y :param angle: in radians :return: tuple representing a point with ratoted coordinates """ rotation_matrix = get_rotation_matrix_for_angle(angle) point_vector=np.empty((2,1),float) point_vector[0,0]=point[0] point_vector[1,0]=point[1] new_point = np.matmul(rotation_matrix, point) x = int(new_point[0]) y = int(new_point[1]) return (x,y) def display_plot(points): """ :param points: np.matrix """ point_list_x = points[:, 0] # point_list_y = points[:, 1] # [ plt.plot(point_list_x, point_list_y) plt.show() def get_my_T(): points=np.empty((9,2),np.float) points[:,0] = np.array([20,25,25,35,35,10,10,20,20]) points[:,1] = np.array([ 0, 0,30,30,35,35,30,30, 0]) return points def display_three_letters_on_same_plot(p_1: np.matrix , p_2: np.matrix, p_3: np.matrix): plt.plot(p_1[:,0], p_1[:,1],color="red") plt.plot(p_2[:, 0], p_2[:, 1], color="yellow") plt.plot(p_3[:, 0], p_3[:, 1], color="green") plt.xlim([-100,100]) plt.ylim([-100,100]) plt.show() def display_two_letters_on_same_plot(p_1: np.matrix , p_2: np.matrix): plt.plot(p_1[:,0], p_1[:,1],color="red") plt.plot(p_2[:, 0], p_2[:, 1], color="yellow") plt.show() def display_points(points): plt.plot(points[:,0], points[:,1]) plt.show() def rotate_a_letter_by_angle(letter:np.matrix,angle:np.float): m,n=letter.shape new_points = np.empty((m,n),np.float) for i in range(m): new_points[i,:] = get_new_point(letter[i,:],angle) return new_points def shear_a_letter_by_factor_x(letter:np.matrix,factor_x:np.int): m,n=letter.shape new_letter = np.empty((m,n),np.float) shear_matrix=get_shear_matrix_for_factor_x(factor_x) for i in range(m): new_letter[i,:] = np.matmul(shear_matrix,letter[i,:]) return new_letter p=get_my_T() p_1=rotate_a_letter_by_angle(get_my_T(), np.pi/2) p_2=shear_a_letter_by_factor_x(p,1) # display_two_letters_on_same_plot(p,p_2) display_three_letters_on_same_plot(p,p_1,p_2) # display_points(p_2)